Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)


It includes the Alta Murgia National Park and the Apulian Premurge, an area exceptionally rich in sites of geological interest, called “geosites.” A “geosite” is a natural asset whose component rocks possess value worthy of protection. These elements may include rocks of high scientific or naturalistic value, rocks significant for their use in culture and human development, or rocks that possess scenic and educational importance. These elements may include rocks of high scientific or naturalistic value, rocks significant for their use in culture and human development, or rocks that possess scenic and educational importance. The more a geosite or geopark possesses multiple aspects mentioned above at the same time, the more it can be defined as rich in geodiversity and therefore valuable.


Overall, the Alta Murgia and the Premurge are unique in the world panorama, being the last remaining strip (together with the Istrian Karst) of the ancient continent of Adria. This region corresponds to a part of the Mediterranean basin where the old Adria Plate persists, the almost disappeared continent, crushed between Africa and Europe due to their convergence.

This extraordinary characteristic played a crucial role in the candidacy of the Alta Murgia and Premurge area as an aspiring UNESCO Geopark.

  • Conservation: strive to preserve the biodiversity and geological formations that make this area of outstanding scientific importance, through monitoring activities, protection interventions and sustainable management strategies.
  • Education: promote knowledge and awareness of natural and cultural heritage through guided tours, environmental education programs aimed at schools, and information events, raising awareness among communities and visitors about the importance of its conservation.
  • Sustainable development: encourage the development of tourism activities that minimize environmental impact by encouraging local businesses to offer authentic experiences in harmony with communities, creating opportunities for fair and sustainable growth for all.


The evaluation mission of “Murgeopark”

Second evaluation mission that the aspiring UNESCO Geopark has undertaken since the start of the candidacy process. The first mission allowed the evaluators to learn about the heritage of the territory.

GeoEvents Projects

A public notice to enhance the places that tell the story of the Earth’s evolution. 43 projects accepted out of 51 proposals received for approximately 87 subjects that responded to the notice.

GeoEventi Call

L’avviso pubblico “GeoEventi” mira ad acquisire proposte per l’ideazione, la promozione e l’organizzazione di iniziative da svolgersi nel territorio dei quindici comuni dell’Aspirante Geoparco UNESCO.

Second evaluation mission that the aspiring UNESCO Geopark has undertaken since the start of the candidacy process. The first mission allowed the evaluators to learn about the heritage of the territory.


A public notice to enhance the places that tell the story of the Earth’s evolution. 43 projects accepted out of 51 proposals received for approximately 87 subjects that responded to the notice.

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