Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)

a territory to be safeguarded

The Alta Murgia National Park and the Apulian Premurge, is an area exceptionally rich in sites of geological interest, called “geosites.”

The term “geosite” represents a natural feature where its constituent rocks may have a value to be protected.
Elements to be protected may relate to rocks with high scientific or naturalistic value, or rocks that are important because they are used in human culture and development, or rocks that have landscape and educational value for respecting the planet.
Such merits may be international, national, or local, depending on their uniqueness in the planet’s geological and human history.

The more a geosite or geopark simultaneously possesses multiple aspects mentioned above, the more it can be called rich in geodiversity therefore valuable.


Pulisci Filtri
Bauxite Mines
Pontrelli Quarry
Pulo of Altamura
Garagnone Castle and Fortress
All geosites in the aspiring geopark to visit
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