Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)


Our Cookie Policy Cookies are used on our website and in our emails to provide you with a better service and experience. From now on, our trusted partners will also be able to share the information they obtain and improve your experience on their websites. This document describes the categories of cookies we use and share with our partners, their purpose and how to change your preferences. What are cookies? Cookies are small data files stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Each time you return to our website, your browser sends us these cookies so that we can offer you a personalized experience that reflects your interests and preferences and makes it easier for you to access our services. What cookies do we use? The cookies we use allow us to recognize users who return to the site and their data, so that they do not have to enter the same information multiple times. They also allow us to analyze the traffic patterns of users who visit our website in order to improve its usability. Here are some of the types of cookies used on our website: Technical cookies Technical cookies may be used to allow users to use the services requested through our website. Without these cookies, it would not be possible to provide the requested services. For example, technical cookies can be used to:

  • Manage and remember the items added to the Murgeopark online portal
  • Allow users to access secure areas of our website without having to continually log in
  • Remember any actions performed by the user (for example, completing a form) when returning to the previous page of a session

Analytics Cookies Analytics cookies may be used to obtain information about the use of the website, advertisements and emails and to notify us of any errors. In addition, these cookies allow us to obtain detailed technical information, such as the last page visited, the number of pages visited, whether an email has been opened, which parts of the website or emails are clicked by users and the time elapsed between clicks. This information may be associated with user details such as IP address, domain or browser; however, it is analysed together with information from other people so as not to identify a specific user from another. For example, these cookies may be used on our website to:

  • Analyze and improve the performance and design of our website, advertisements and emails
  • Quantify the response to our advertisements and improve their effectiveness
  • Calculate errors that occur on our website to improve the service and manage any complaints

Third-party tracking cookies Third-party tracking cookies may be sent to your device by our partners’ websites. These cookies are used to determine when partners redirect a user to our website and whether that user purchases a Murgeopark product or service. The information may be shared with our partners anonymously, so that it does not identify a specific user from another. Furthermore, this information is provided in accordance with our contractual obligations to partners to help them improve the effectiveness of their sites. Functionality cookies These cookies are not essential, but they allow you to take advantage of various useful features on our website. For example, they may be used on our website to:

  • Remember the preferences selected by the user during previous visits, such as country/language, interests and presentation of the website (layout, font size, colors, etc.). This way, the user will not have to enter this information again
  • Remember the answers to questions asked by our site, for example on participation in customer satisfaction surveys, so that they are not asked again to the user
  • Determine whether a service has already been offered to the user, for example the offer of real-time online assistance
  • Provide information that enables optional services to function, such as watching a video online or posting a comment on a blog

Targeting or promotional cookies These cookies can be used on our website to publish personalized advertisements based on the user’s interests. Targeting or promotional cookies allow us to obtain detailed information on the navigation of our website by users (for example, the products or services most viewed by a particular person). They also allow us to recognize a user who returns to visit our website and/or a site that is part of the network of one of our promotional partners. For example, these cookies can be used to obtain information on the Murgeopark products and services viewed or added to the cart by a user on our website. In doing so:

  • Murgeopark may offer users of their websites advertisements for Murgeopark products and services already viewed
  • Murgeopark may personalize emails and other forms of direct marketing sent to you.
  • Our promotional partners may offer users of websites that are part of their network advertisements for Murgeopark products and services already viewed.
  • You can limit the number of times a particular ad is shown to a user and calculate the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

These cookies can be stored and used by Murgeopark and/or our promotional partners. Third-party cookies When a user uses our website, some cookies that are not controlled by Murgeopark may be stored. This happens, for example, if the user visits a page that contains content from a third-party website. As a result, the user will receive cookies from these third-party services. Cookies do not contain personal information, unless the user has logged in to the account. For example, third-party cookies may be originated by:

  • YouTube or Facebook
  • Trusted operators
  • Paid Media Agencies
  • Marketing campaigns owned by Murgeopark

Murgeopark does not control the storage or access to these cookies. For more information on the use of cookies by third parties, please consult the Privacy and Cookie Policy of the services in question. How to change your cookie settings Most browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block acceptance of cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. What happens if you turn cookies off? However, if you block or erase a cookie, you may not be able to restore any preferences or customised settings you previously specified, and our ability to personalise your user experience will be limited. How to change your settings for:

Privacy Preferences
When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Here you can change your privacy preferences. Please note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our website and the services we offer.