Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)

GeoEventi Call

Kicking off “GeoEvents”
the call for promotion of the geological heritage of the Aspiring Geopark

Gravina in Puglia, 8 settembre 2022. To promote the geodiversity of the Alta Murgia and Premurge territory, a rare heritage with karst forms of scientific interest, aesthetic appeal and educational value, making it a candidate territory for the UNESCO Geoparks network. This is the goal of “GeoEventi,” a call that the Park Authority is addressing to administrations and associations, actively involving them in the enhancement of places that tell the story of the evolution of the Earth, such as the dinosaur footprint surface in the Altamura area, the two dolines Pulo and Pulicchio, and the many caves, lamas and sinkholes that dot this strip of land.

The public call “GeoEventi” aims to acquire proposals for the conception, promotion and organization of initiatives to be carried out in the territory of the fifteen municipalities of the Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark. Public and private subjects are called to submit ideas and implement them with the contribution of the institution, within the time frame of one year. The typology of events includes the planning of itineraries, meetings and workshops for the discovery and enhancement of geological, naturalistic and historical, cultural, tangible and intangible heritage; the promotion of typical products in relation to geodiversity and the creation of innovative artistic and cultural activities such as performances, installations and readings.

A further step in the Geopark application process” President Francesco Tarantini said. “GeoEventi” wants to promote geodiversity with educational and informative activities, in a virtuous circle that involves administrations and associations, which in turn will involve citizens and visitors. The call for proposals is part of a broader process of valorization of our territory, which sees actions to improve its usability and give prestige to the heritage of geosites, including the creation of a video featuring Luigi Bignami as testimonial. The arrival of the UNESCO evaluators is now imminent,” Tarantini concludes, “and we are working tirelessly so that the territory is ready to welcome them.” The selection of proposals will take into account the ability of initiatives to network ideas and skills, involving multiple associations, institutions and schools in the implementation phase. Criteria for selection include the production of dissemination and awareness-raising materials that describe the geodiversity of the area in a simple way, the involvement of expert subjects (geologist, naturalist, etc.) in carrying out the event, its being accessible to the people with disabilities, and the use of materials and equipment with low environmental impact. Selected initiatives will be awarded a financial contribution of up to a maximum of € 5,000.00 and no more than 30% of the budgeted expenses, fully financing any events deemed more worthy. Proposals must be received via certified email by October 10. The call for proposals is available on the Aspiring UNESCO Global Geopark website.

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