Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)

Difesa Grande Woods


Covering about 1,900 hectares, the Difesa Grande Woods is among the most important woodland complexes in Apulia, a Site of Community Importance (SCI) rich in habitats, flora and fauna species of conservation interest.

It is a green lung that is home to indigenous oaks such as the downy oak, turkey oak and hungarian oak, where numerous species live, including the red kite, the barn owl, the buzzard, the scops owl, the hoopoe, the tawny owl, the blackcap, the sparrow hawk, the jay and the calandra lark, along with reptiles and mammals.

The forest areas of Alta Murgia are important for soil protection and water protection. The Difesa Grande area holds several small geosites of regional character, showing outcrops of calcarenites between Murgia and Premurgia.

SP13 Geosite – regional significance
Location: Gravina in Puglia (BA)

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