Via Firenze, 10 70024 Gravina in Puglia (BA)

The evaluation mission of “Murgeopark”

The evaluation mission of
the Aspiring Geopark “MURGEOPARK” took place

Gravina in Puglia, July 22, 2024. The Alta Murgia and Premurge territory welcomed the commission of UNESCO evaluators, who visited our territory from July 17 to 21 on an inspection tour as part of the Geopark candidacy. This event represented a milestone on the path toward the recognition of the Alta Murgia as a geological heritage of global significance.

This was the second assessment mission that the aspiring UNESCO Geopark has faced since the start of the application process. The first mission allowed the evaluators to learn about the geological, natural and cultural heritage of the territory. The second, which has just been completed, focused on assessing the activities implemented to manage the candidate territory and its role in the sustainable development of local communities.

“With pride and determination, our beautiful territory presented itself to the UNESCO commission with the hope of soon being able to say ‘Geopark of the Alta Murgia,'” President Francesco Tarantini says. “We experienced a moment of enormous relevance, a unique opportunity to highlight the riches of the Alta Murgia and consolidate our commitment to the conservation and promotion of geological and cultural heritage. This recognition would represent the culmination of a journey that began in 2019 and would further strengthen our commitment to the enhancement of the territory.”

The inspection began with a welcoming ceremony at a traditional farmhouse in Minervino Murge, where the aspiring Geopark community warmly welcomed the evaluators who had arrived from abroad. The UNESCO commission was welcomed by the mayors of the fifteen municipalities (including Laterza and Acquaviva delle Fonti), by the representatives of the Apulia Region, the Metropolitan City of Bari and the BAT province, by tourism partners and the many associations supporting the candidacy. Prominent among them are organizations that promote the value of geological heritage through projects and initiatives in schools.

During the visit, the commission explored numerous geosites and the various hypogean and epigean forms that characterize the Alta Murgia territory. Among the places of special interest stand out the Bauxite Mines, the Cave of St. Michael the Archangel, the famous Castel del Monte, the Cavone sinkhole in the Acquatetta Woods, the Garagnone Castle and Rock, the Pontrelli Quarry known for its dinosaur footprints, the spectacular Pulo di Altamura sinkhole, and the Aqueduct Bridge of Gravina and its rock panorama. The route also included cathedrals, libraries and museum centers that enrich the area.

The days’ program was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the Alta Murgia’s scenic, geological and cultural riches. Evaluators also had the opportunity to taste typical local products, immersed in the setting of traditional farms and renowned wineries.

The UNESCO candidate territory includes the Alta Murgia and the Premurge area, representing a unique example of geodiversity on the global scene. This region is part of the old continent Adria, a geological plate that “survived” between Africa and Europe. This exceptional geological feature helped kick off the candidacy for the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.

The application process has launched several actions to improve the usability of the area, including installing new signage, setting up the area’s visitor centers and infopoints in the municipalities, creating information materials, and promoting educational and informative activities.

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